Rebecca Macmillan on LinkedIn: Verizon's product development chief prepares for network slicing

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Rebecca Macmillan on LinkedIn: Verizon's product development chief prepares for network slicing

2023-01-18 23:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

MY LATEST "It's Not Just You: 5G Is a Big Letdown," laments a headline in The Wall Street Journal this week. "As cars, smart home standards, and so many screens took center stage at this year's [CES] show, 5G took a back seat," concludes another article in The Verge. Yet amid such downcast takes on 5G progress, the US wireless industry has already begun badgering federal regulators to release spectrum for upcoming 6G networks. A wide range of companies are now asking the FCC to set aside the 12.7GHz - 13.25GHz spectrum band for the wireless industry, following a push by the agency's chairwoman, Jessica Rosenworcel, to solicit comments on the band. Filings are due this week. "When the commission does propose rules for the 12.7 GHz, it should propose flexible, exclusively-licensed, high-power use, in order to maximize the benefits of 5G-Advanced and 6G applications in the band for the American people," wrote the 5G Americas trade association in a recent filing to the FCC. Others offered similar pleas. "T-Mobile agrees that the 12.7 GHz band must be among the bands targeted for mobile wireless networks to enable carriers to deliver on the promise of providing wireless mobile services, including for 6G and beyond," the operator told the FCC. The comments about 6G aren't a surprise. Two of the world's biggest 5G equipment makers – Ericsson and Nokia – have begun putting spectrum between 7GHz and 20GHz at the center of their pitches for 6G, and others are chiming in too. #5g #6g




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